Episode 6: Art, architecture, and feminism
Art fills our lives with magic and wonder, architecture dictates how we are in the world: but do we understand it? Do we value art in the right way? In this episode four companions came to the Humvn Podcast to share their knowledge and to talk to us about the invisibility of the professions of culture and the evaluation of the role of art and the artist in our society, of which stereotypes – gender, origin – underlie the types of knowledge promoted by the predominant cultural institutions, and how a feminist decolonial gaze can act as a rehabilitation tool: not only to overturn how art is “made”, but also how it is appreciated.
We love you, we appreciate you… good listening, good week and good fight!
Bonnevier, K. (2005) A queer analysis of E.1027 by Eileen Gray, in Heynen H. & Baydar G. (eds), Negotiating domesticity. Genre Spatial Productions in Modern Architecture, p. 162-180.
Trasforini, M. A. (2007) In the name of artists: women, professions of art and modernity
Halberstam, J. (2011) The queer art of failure
Marcos, CL (2011) Gender critique. E.1027: Eileen Gray against Le Corbusier en Cap Martin, in Feminismo / s n. 17, pp. 259-295. (Here a very interesting semi-unknown story is told about how Le Corbusier colonized Eileen Gray’s Maison de Mer or E.1027)
Mignolo, W. (2011) Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity: Fred Wilson’s Mining the Museum (1992), in Blackwell, W. (2011) Globalization and contemporary art
Sholette, G. (2011) Dark matter. Art and politics in the era of corporate culture
Nochlin, L. (2019) Why weren’t there great female artists?
Bianchetti, C. (2020), Bodies between space and design
Kern, L. (2020) The feminist city
Ahmed, S. (2021) Report!
Borghi, R. (2021) Decoloniality and privilege
Caleo, I. (2021) Performance, matter, affections. A feminist cartography
Chadwick W. (2021) Women, art and society MAAP Public Art