Episode 7: Alliances
Feminism is not a single front. There is a universe of feminisms (liberal, neoliberal, transfeminist, transexcluding, intersectional, decolonial, and many others), which meet, intertwine and yes, sometimes even clash. We close this first season of the Humvn Podcast with a discussion on this theme: the alliances – possible and impossible – between today’s feminist movements.
Let’s try to understand if and how different feminisms can work towards a common political goal without canceling one story, and where instead it is important to draw a border with what we feel no longer represents us and move towards new horizons of struggle.
Statement combahee river collective (1977)
Davis, A. (1981) Women, race and class bell hooks (1981) Ain’t I a woman: Black Women and Feminism Hull, G., Scott, P., Smith, B. (1982) All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave
Anzaldua, G. & Moraga, C. (1983) This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color Lorde, A. (1984) Sister Outsider
Wittig, M. (1992) The Straight Mind: And Other Essays bell hooks (1997) Feminist Politicization: A Comment in
Gergen, M and Davis, S.N. (1997) Toward a New Psychology of Gender: A Reader
Lugones, M. (2003) pilgrimages/peregrinajes: theorizing coalitions against multiple oppressions
Conrad, J. (autore), Lonza, G. (traduttore) (2020) Sotto gli occhi dell’occidente
Mohanty, C. (2020) Femminismo senza frontiere. Teoria, differenze, conflitti
Kilomba, G. (2021) Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism
Episode 6: Art, architecture, and feminism
Art fills our lives with magic and wonder, architecture dictates how we are in the world: but do we understand it? Do we value art in the right way? In this episode four companions came to the Humvn Podcast to share their knowledge and to talk to us about the invisibility of the professions of culture and the evaluation of the role of art and the artist in our society, of which stereotypes – gender, origin – underlie the types of knowledge promoted by the predominant cultural institutions, and how a feminist decolonial gaze can act as a rehabilitation tool: not only to overturn how art is “made”, but also how it is appreciated.
We love you, we appreciate you… good listening, good week and good fight!
Bonnevier, K. (2005) A queer analysis of E.1027 by Eileen Gray, in Heynen H. & Baydar G. (eds), Negotiating domesticity. Genre Spatial Productions in Modern Architecture, p. 162-180.
Trasforini, M. A. (2007) In the name of artists: women, professions of art and modernity
Halberstam, J. (2011) The queer art of failure
Marcos, CL (2011) Gender critique. E.1027: Eileen Gray against Le Corbusier en Cap Martin, in Feminismo / s n. 17, pp. 259-295. (Here a very interesting semi-unknown story is told about how Le Corbusier colonized Eileen Gray’s Maison de Mer or E.1027)
Mignolo, W. (2011) Museums in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity: Fred Wilson’s Mining the Museum (1992), in Blackwell, W. (2011) Globalization and contemporary art
Sholette, G. (2011) Dark matter. Art and politics in the era of corporate culture
Nochlin, L. (2019) Why weren’t there great female artists?
Bianchetti, C. (2020), Bodies between space and design
Kern, L. (2020) The feminist city
Ahmed, S. (2021) Report!
Borghi, R. (2021) Decoloniality and privilege
Caleo, I. (2021) Performance, matter, affections. A feminist cartography
Chadwick W. (2021) Women, art and society MAAP Public Art
Episode 5: Pinkwashing and influencer feminism
Pinkwashing, greenwashing, rainbowwashing… Traps are everywhere. Can the feminist struggle help us? Or can she too be prey to the logic of capitalist commodification? The fifth episode of Humvn is dedicated to this: pinkwashing, feminism influencer, digital activism and yes, Chiara Ferragni too. Spoiler: We don’t have the answers, we swing in our rankings too. However, we want to have the courage to share some of our ideas, not only to deconstruct the predominant systems, but also to reconstruct new narratives and new approaches. Constructive criticism is also love. @chiaraferragni and @michelamurgia the episode contains an invitation to untie these knots with us on the podcast, would you like to participate?
S. Barca (2017), On ‘The Political’ in Environmental History,
V. Bilancetti (2020), Femonazionalismo: if a certain white feminism becomes the handmaid of neoliberal racism,
Chayn Italia (2021), The feminist is creating her own technology to organize herself, but where is the movement funding?
V. Grassini (2021), Pinkwashing, when feminism becomes a question of marketing,
Comment on Bisexual Pride – Chiara Ferragni Queer of the Week
Episode 4: The impact of feminism on our relationships
What kind of Sunday is it without an afternoon nap and an episode of the Humvn Podcast? Here we talk about the impact of feminism on our relationships, and how feminism has changed, complicated but most importantly saved our lives.
Enjoy listening, have a great week, and have a good fight!
Episode 3: ‘Conforming’ & ‘non-conforming’ bodies
We’re back with our weekly dose of transfeminism <3 This week we’re discussing so-called “conforming” and “non-conforming” bodies, who has the power to decide what constitutes a conforming body and the gatekeeping of trans people. Light topics essentially… but we’re not afraid 🙂
Episode 2: Privilege
We continue our series on The Humvn Podcast with the 3 companions of the Collective born from the Master in Gender Studies at the University of Rome 3. We dedicate this episode to the theme of privilege: we talk about how feminism helps us to see and deconstruct our own privileges, to build the world we want to live in.
Happy listening!
Episode 1: Sex, violence, and consent
Welcome to the launch of the Humvn Podcast with our first episode on sex, violence and consent! We’ll talk with 4 sisters from the Feminist Collective set up in 2021 from the Master in Gender Studies and Politics at Roma Tre University. We’ll be posting an episode every Sunday to give you a pre-weekly feminist boost! Watch this space ❤️
#feminismo #podcast #feministmovements #sisterhood #consent #collective #feministchats
Lorde, A. (1984) Sister Outsider
Preciado, P. B. (2002) Manifesto controsessuale
Despentes, V. (2006) King Kong Théorie
Traimond, J. M. (2006) Piacere, dolore, potere. Un approccio anarchico al sadomasochismo
Volpato C. (2011) Deumanizzazione. Come si legittima la violenza
Taormino, T. (2012) 50 Shades of Kink: An Introduction to BDSM
Taormino, T. (2013) The Feminist Porn Book
Volpato, C. (2013) Psicosociologia del maschilismo
Attimonelli, C., Susca, V. (2016) Pornocultura. Viaggio in fondo alla carne
Taormino, T. (2016) Guida al kink. BDSM, giochi di ruolo ed eros estremo
Vogel, S. (2019) Consenso
Fluida W. (2020) Postporno. Corpi liberi di sperimentare per sovvertire gli immaginari sessuali
Foucault, M. (2020) La volontà di sapere. Storia della sessualità 1
La Gioia, L. (2021) Pornografia e femminismi, Italianismi,
La Gioia, L. Mancini, L. (2021) Diffusione non consensuale di immagini intime: Il nuovo volto della violenza sessuale, Italianismi,
Ranghi, G. (2021) La violenza di genere: un mostro con più volti, Salvis Juribus,
Ranghi, G. (2022) Violenza digitale: la diffusione illecita di immagini o video sessualmente espliciti, Salvis Juribus,
Happy reading!
Trailer: Launching the HUMVN podcast
Tune in here for a short intro about our podcast series.