our story
hum∇n was co-founded in 2021 by Liemertje Sieders and Ava Fersi, and operates collaboratively with the support of several hum∇ns. Initially launched as a final project within the Master’s program in Gender Studies and Politics at Roma Tre University (2021-2022), hum∇n also sees the ongoing participation of divers* students who have attended this Master’s program. hum∇n also sees the continued participation of other former students from this Gender Studies Masters.

Like every humvn story, the story of this project is one of joyous creation and sisterhood, but also one of hardships. Co-founder Ava Fersi left this world on 16 August 2022. She gifted us the name, the logo and the underlying philosophy of this project. Ava’s life was rooted in defying societal limitations and not letting anyone tell you what to do or think, no matter the cost. She always saw the inner light in those she loved and encouraged us – with a pinch on the cheek – to follow our ikigai, our purpose of being. Her unbounded spirit lives on through this space.